Looking for custom software?

At ID2Bytes we understand that every organization is unique and has their own needs. In addition to ready-to-use applications and IT consultancy, we also offer custom software development services that fit your business processes. Do you want to work more efficiently and clearly? ID2Bytes® develops solutions that increase your efficiency, reduce costs and give you a competitive advantage.

For example, we link systems and create automation processes such as tailor-made CRM systems or CMS systems. Other examples are web applications, a custom back office or digital forms. By using these smart technologies, you have an overview of things that are happening within your company. This way, you save time and money for the things that matter to you.

This is what we can do for you

Our expertise reaches out over different sectors and applications, which enables us to develop software that is relevant to your company. ID2Bytes® has the knowledge and experience to realize your vision. Some examples of custom made software are:

Employee planning

User access

Package management


Your idea?

The software we provide is custom made. We have a lot of knowledge and experience which means plenty of possibilities in terms of software we can develop for you.

Are you ready to improve your business processes with custom software? Contact us today and find out how we can support your organization.

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Fast delivery through modular web applications

Are you looking for tailor-made software that is supplied to you speedily? Then ID2Bytes® offers the solution. When we develop customized applications, we can deliver this quickly and are able to adapt the software easily. This is because we build the applications in a modular way. This allows you to quickly use functionalities and, if necessary, respond immediately to changes in the market. Of course, you only pay for the functionalities that you actually need.

Our way of working when developing customized software

We start with a meeting in which we discuss the type of bespoke software that you want. We also map out current business processes. Thereafter, we look at the possibilities and we come up with a quote that matches your wishes. You can indicate which functionalities have the highest priority and what software you would like to have developed for your company.

Start-up project or 'Sprint 0'

After we have determined which functionalities have priority, we start with the start-up project, Sprint 0. (Sprints are mini-projects / deadlines within the whole project.)

During Sprint 0 all technical preconditions are adjusted before we start with the loop of 'actual sprints'. Consider, for example, installing software, requesting authorizations and connecting with third party software or the hosting provider. This phase usually takes two to three weeks.

During the project

After Sprint 0, we start with the loop of sprints as shown in the image above. These loops consist of short projects which we tackle piece by piece, starting with the things that have the highest priority.

In our 'daily scrum' meeting, we discuss what we did the projectday before and give an update of the planning for that day. After two or three weeks, after the software of that sprint has been delivered, we do the 'Retrospective' in which we evaluate the sprint. If necessary, we will review or refine the work of that particular sprint. If everything works like it should, the next sprint starts and we go follow the same loop again, until everything is finished.

Software maintenance and aftercare

After developing a customized application, we ensure that everything remains up to date through a maintenance contract. For example, security or framework updates must be carried out, minor problems must be solved and required adjustments must be made. This way, we guarantee that all customized software is kept up to date.

Why would I choose the custom software service of ID2Bytes®?

  • Fast delivery and feedback loop
  • User-friendly working environment
  • Linking of different systems
  • Savings in time and money
  • Countless possibilities
  • The latest technologies
  • Quick response to changes in the market
  • Only pay for software that you actually need

Would you like an introductory meeting or would you like more information about our services?

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